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The Ultimate Blueprint For Writing SEO Content

Step 1. Carry Out The Right Keyword Research

Carry Out The Right Keyword Research

(i) Using Contextual SEO Content Results

(ii) Get Topics That Will Pass The Test Of Time

Step 2. Use The Information That You Gather To Make A Summary List

Use The Information That You Gather To Make A Summary List

Step 3. With The UX In Mind, Craft A Visual Template

With The UX In Mind, Craft A Visual Template
  • Adaptable screen resolution.
  • Using location integration in local personalization.
  • Separating sections of text and images and using white space to overlap your content.
  • Simple font with reasonable line spacing and size.

Step 4. Write Your Amazing Content Piece For SEO

Write Your Amazing Content Piece For SEO

(i) Include Tags In the Body And Title

  • Create actionable titles.
  • Use brand leverage.
  • Create unique title tags.
  • Don’t use the title case.
  • Include body tags.

(ii) Use Images, Video, And Audio Content To Animate Your Text

(iii) Use The Power Of Internal Linking

(iv) Your Content Should Be Mobile Friendly

(v) Address User Intent Properly

  • Let’s say you’re writing about ‘guest posting.’ Search on Google and look at the featured snippet and meta descriptions of the top 10 results.
  • Google directly answers the query in the featured snippet and result descriptions. To rank high, do the same. Users want a clear definition.
  • In your post, aim to provide this answer right at the beginning. Put the answer at the top for question-related queries and expand on it later.
  • In the past, long introductions were common, but now, giving the answer first is key. Satisfy the initial user intent, then provide more information.

(vi) Readability Matters!

1. Clear Structure
2. Shorter Sentences
3. Simple Language
4. Bullet Points And Lists
5. Visual Elements
6. Transitions
7. Concise Paragraphs
8. Conversational Tone
9. Proofreading
10. User-Centric Approach

Step 5. Spread The Word

Spread The Word 


Tuhin Das-image

Being in the content writing landscape for 4+ years, Tuhin likes to go deep into the minds of his readers through his writing. He loves sharing content related to SEO, digital marketing, content writing, copywriting, Education, and lifestyle. Besides his inherent inclination towards creating content, he is also a sports enthusiast and travel freak.