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The Process Of Improving Your Website Ranking

The Process Of Improving Your Website Ranking
  • Internal links: Internal links are used to take your visitor from one page to another on your website. For example, on the “About Us” page if you have a link on the “Call to Action” that leads you to the “Contact Us” page, is an internal link 
  • Outbound links: Outbound links on your site take you to another website. For example, you have two different websites on Home-Décor! On one website, you have a link that takes your readers to another website is an Outbound Link.
  • Backlinks: Backlink links transport the readers from other’s websites to yours.
Why Backlinks Are Important To Improve Google Page Ranking
Now, Let’s Understand The Process Of Acquiring Backlinks For Your Website
(i) Business Listing
(ii) Bookmarking On Social Media Accounts
(iii) Directory Submission 
(iv) Infographics Or Image Submission
(v) Posting Different Blogs and Articles
(vi) Thought Leadership Article Submission 
(vii) Forum Postings


Ejaz Ahmed-image

10+ years, 32 Google Updates, 67000+ niche backlinks, 20,000+ content articles, 1200+ SEO projects, and 500+ brands later, Ejaz Ahmed can claim that he knows a thing or two about how SEO works. Now the Chief Operating Officer at BloggerOutreach, he uses his vast experience in the SEO and Content Marketing industry to advice brands, agencies and SEOs about how to put their best feet forward in front of search algorithms. PS- he is the go-to guy if you are looking at search visibility and performance online!