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Let’s be honest with each other here – marketing is quite challenging, even for a business that is well-run in every aspect. And, why wouldn’t it be? After all, it’s the most dynamic part of business and tends to change pretty consistently too. So, if you don’t stay at the top of your game, you might miss out on a lot of opportunities. But, here’s the thing. Almost every organization out there is currently spending billions and billions of dollars to improve its marketing approach. Thus, if you just opt for something more conventional, it’s not going to work out for you, unfortunately. So, how are you going to be unique, then? How do you ace your marketing strategy and leave your competitors behind? Integrated digital marketing strategy – yes, that’s the solution for you.

Now, let me tell you what it is all about.

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What Is Integrated Digital Marketing?

What Is Integrated Digital Marketing?

Integrated digital marketing, in essence, is all about combining all of the advertising strategies at one go… and creating a connection between them.

Hence, in this aspect, you don’t really have to plan anything individually. Instead, you must ensure that you’re looking at the whole picture and offering a consistent brand experience.

Let me share an example for you.

In 2015, Domino’s, the famous pizza-based supply chain, wanted to make the job of ordering pizza a little more convenient for everyone. And, to do that, they implemented a technology that’d help anyone order their favorite pizza through –

  • Tweeting.
  • Texting.
  • Smart television.
  • Ford Sync feature, and
  • Smartwatches.

So, how did they promote such a dynamic business step? 

By launching an integrated digital marketing campaign known as AnyWare. The organization deployed a press release at first to let its audience know more about it.

But, soon, they realized that it won’t cover their whole consumer base.

Thus, they decided to make their approach a little expandable by including a national television campaign in their marketing strategy. And, it worked like magic!

  • The AnyWare campaign was pretty popular amongst digital publishers and generated around two billion earned media impressions.
  • The newly-created AnyWare website received around 500,000 visits cumulatively. It also increased the year-over-year sales growth by 10.5%.

Finally, with the campaign, Domino’s could also achieve its aim of getting half of the orders through digital means. It was their first attempt at creating an integrated digital marketing strategy, and they passed with flying colors.

What Are The Benefits Of Integrating A Digital Marketing Strategy?

Marketing integration, in essence, combines almost each and every aspect of an organization’s advertising approach. It focuses on incorporating both traditional digital advertising alongside social media to create a seamless experience for the consumers.

But, do its benefits end there?

Well, no. If implemented properly, an integrated digital marketing strategy can get you more than what you might’ve wanted for your campaign. Let’s keep reading to know more about it.

Benefit – 1: Can Increase Your Revenue.

Can Increase Your Revenue

With a well-delivered integrated digital marketing strategy, you can have a positive impact on the mind of your audience. It, in turn, can prompt them to buy something from you or know a little more about your audience. Either way, your company’s revenue generation will increase.

Benefit – 2: Improves Your Sales Funnel.

Improves Your Sales Funnel

With an integrated digital marketing strategy, it’ll be easier for you to prompt your audience to become a little more interested in you. Thus, if you make an effort, it’ll be easier for you to move them through your sales funnel quicker and develop a better relationship with them.

Benefit – 3: Makes Your Organization More Transparent.

Makes Your Organization More Transparent

With integrated marketing, you can make your organizational message appear much clearer as well transparent than usual. This, sequentially, can aid your consumer base to learn about you and your organization a little more. The transparency will improve your trust base too.

What’s More…

In addition to these, you can also make your branding message a lot more consistent thanks to your strategy. Just make sure to work alongside an B2B integrated marketing agency, and I feel like you’ll be fine going forward.

And, if you want to go for content-based advertising, it’ll be better to opt for an organization like Blogger Outreach. With their experience and expertise, they can easily improve your site’s content marketing plan and ensure that you’re getting more and more traffic regularly.

Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy – The Importance

You simply cannot ace out on anyone by doing something similar as your competitor base is doing. Instead, taking a unique or new step should be a part of your approach.

And, that’s where having an integrated digital marketing strategy can help you out. Let’s keep reading this article till the end to know more about it.

1. Can Help You Build Your Brand Awareness.

Can Help You Build Your Brand Awareness integrated digital marketing strategy

An integrated approach to your core digital marketing strategy can boost the online visibility of your website. Hence, this can help get to a wider audience base and attract them to your prospect effectively. Besides, your brand message will be quite consistent too.

2. Might Increase Your Authority And Authenticity.

Might Increase Your Authority And Authenticity integrated digital marketing strategy

An internet-savvy marketer will always know when they’re being advertised to… and, it can make them cautious about the brand, sometimes. However, an integrated marketing pitch will look less like a sales pitch and more like you’re having a conversation with your audience.

This, in turn, can offer consistent communication between you and your consumer base. As you know, the better the relationship you have with your audience, the better your chance will be to turn them into your potential consumer.

3. Make Your Advertising Team Much More Effective.

Make Your Advertising Team Much More Effective integrated digital marketing strategy

Almost everything will be in sync with an integrated digital marketing strategy – whether it’s your social media handle or something else. This, in turn, can ensure that you’re not making any duplication of your previous content or sending a different message than your branding.

Apart From That…

If you’re handling all of your marketing agenda differently, you’ll have to pay a lot more cash as a whole. However, the same cannot be said if you’re integrating them all together.

This way, you can save a lot of your money while avoiding duplication to some extent. Also, you don’t have to do too much consumer research with it at all.

However, if you don’t want to get too much into the visual aspect of the same, you can try content writing as well. Opting for link-building outreach services can be helpful too.

Creating An Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy

So, integrating your marketing strategy all sounds great on paper. But, how are you going to create an effective one? What should your very first step be?

Let’s find out.

Step – 1: Identify Your Audience.

Identify Your Audience integrated digital marketing strategy

So, like with any other marketing strategy, you must begin your journey by identifying your audience first. Without the required information, it’ll be nearly impossible to create whatever you want to create, you know. And, it’s pretty easy to do as well. Just ask yourself the following questions and you’ll get something back, in my opinion.

  • What is the average age of your consumer base?
  • What gender community do they belong to?
  • Which type of interests do they have?
  • What are their pain points and requirements?
  • What type of jobs are they working on?

Pretend yourself to be the customer here and ask yourself the aforementioned questions. Are you getting the answers you are looking for without being biased? Well, that’ll be your aim.

Step – 2: Choose Your Favorite Channels.

Choose Your Favorite Channels integrated digital marketing strategy

The next step is to choose the channels you want to integrate accordingly. If I’m being honest, I’d ask you to improve your social media handles first. And, for the others, try taking a look at what your general audience uses to search for their preferred products.

For example, if they’re using Google to find whatever they’re looking for, I’ll ask you to take care of it with your content marketing strategy.

Wrapping It All Up!

Although it may not seem like it, integrated marketing is quite difficult to handle altogether. If you don’t tackle the same properly, it may affect your overall marketing goal quite massively.

Due to this reason, we’ll ask you to opt for a b2b integrated marketing agency to get some aid in this aspect. With their experience and all, they’ll know precisely what to do.

And, you can negotiate the best offer from the same as well!

Ejaz Ahmed-image

10+ years, 32 Google Updates, 67000+ niche backlinks, 20,000+ content articles, 1200+ SEO projects, and 500+ brands later, Ejaz Ahmed can claim that he knows a thing or two about how SEO works. Now the Chief Operating Officer at BloggerOutreach, he uses his vast experience in the SEO and Content Marketing industry to advice brands, agencies and SEOs about how to put their best feet forward in front of search algorithms. PS- he is the go-to guy if you are looking at search visibility and performance online!