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Big news from Google!

On November 8, 2023, around 12 pm ET, they released the November 2023 reviews update.

But here’s the twist – it’s the last time Google will formally announce review updates.

Why, you ask? Because, as they put it, review updates will now be happening at a regular and ongoing pace.

In Their Own Words

“Released the November 2023 reviews update. Learn more about how to write high-quality reviews. Going forward, as the reviews system is now being improved at a regular and ongoing pace, we will no longer be posting about future updates on the status dashboard.”

So, no more scheduled announcements.

Google stated, “We’ll no longer be giving periodic notifications of improvements to our reviews system.”

This update marks the eighth in a series of confirmed review updates since April 2021.

Table Of Content

Real-Time Updates

What’s intriguing about this update is that Google hinted at a shift toward a more real-time system.

In fact, they mentioned that the review update is now happening at a “regular and ongoing pace.”

This suggests that changes to your site might be reflected in the reviews system more promptly than in the past.

From Product Reviews To Reviews Update

With the April 2023 review update, Google made a significant shift.

They moved away from naming updates as “product reviews” and simply called them “reviews updates.”

This change broadened the scope of the update, expanding beyond product reviews to encompass reviews on any topic that’s, well, reviewable.

Basically, this scope includes services, businesses, destinations, and even media like games and movies.

Writing High-Quality Reviews

Now that you know about the update, what’s next? It’s essential to understand how you can make the most of it.

Google encourages individuals to write high-quality reviews to help others learn more about various topics, including:

  • Products.
  • Services.
  • Destinations.
  • Games.
  • Movies and more.

Here’s How to Write Reviews Rightly

  • Evaluate From A User’s Perspective: Put yourself in the shoes of the person reading your review.
  • Demonstrate Your Expertise: Show that you’re knowledgeable about what you’re reviewing.
  • Provide Evidence: Back up your expertise with visuals, audio, or links to your own experiences.
  • Share Quantitative Measurements: Offer specific measurements about the subject’s performance.
  • Highlight Uniqueness: Explain what sets the subject apart from its competitors.
  • Consider Different Uses: Discuss which circumstances or uses the subject might be best for.
  • Discuss Pros And Cons: Be honest about the benefits and drawbacks based on your original research.
  • Evolution: Describe how a product has evolved and improved over time.
  • Key Decisions: Analyze the design choices and their impact on users.
  • Include Useful Links: Add links to other resources for the reader’s benefit.
  • Multiple Sellers: If possible, include links to multiple sellers for purchasing options.
  • Recommendations: Provide supporting evidence if you suggest something as the best overall or for a specific purpose.
  • Quality Standalone Lists: Ensure your ranked lists contain enough useful content to stand on their own.

Embrace The Ongoing Updates

With Google’s review updates regularly happening and continuously, you must stay up-to-date with best practices for writing high-quality reviews.

So, whether you’re reviewing products, services, or destinations, your insights can help people make informed choices.

Embrace the ongoing updates and keep sharing your valuable insights with the world!

Tuhin Das-image

Being in the content writing landscape for 4+ years, Tuhin likes to go deep into the minds of his readers through his writing. He loves sharing content related to SEO, digital marketing, content writing, copywriting, Education, and lifestyle. Besides his inherent inclination towards creating content, he is also a sports enthusiast and travel freak.