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  • Execute link prospecting (finding high DA, DR websites).
  • Write quality content.
  • Ensure anchor text placement. 
  • Build a rapport with the publisher.
  • Wait for the publisher to publish your content.
  • Ensure that the links are permanent.
  • Guest Posting Services and Google – The Dilemma Resolved.
  • Guest Posting Services for Brands.
  • 17 Ways of How Guest Posting Services Can Grow Your Online Popularity.

Table Of Content

Google And Guest Posting Service: The Rights And The Wrongs

Google And Guest Posting Service The Rights And The Wrongs

The biggest mistake agencies and brands make is not aligning with Google’s quality guidelines. They feel that it is easy to manipulate the biggest search engine on the planet. I just want to ask one question to those brands and agencies-

“Do you have bigger resources than Google”?

No agency or brand can reply in the affirmative. This is because they simply do not. Once everyone has understood this, we can move on to how you can make Google happy, and make the most of Guest Posting.

For Google, the primary aim of its search engine is to provide quality information to its users. The importance of great content sits right at the top of Google’s ranking criteria. Every other digital marketing strategy or strand follows from it.

For Example, If Your Content Is Excellent, Informative, Original, And Useful-

  • You will have no problems with guest posting, as industry websites would want your content. In exchange for your content, they will recommend your website to their traffic.
  • The same goes for bloggers. The excellence of your content will make them give your website links to their traffic.
  • In terms of link building, your great content will open doors and avenues through digital strategies.

This is the ‘intention’ that Google wants agencies and brands to have and set as their priority. Once the content is great, guest posting services and other SEO services start showing results.

In order to make guest posting a valuable and ROI-bound strategy, content plays a critical role.

Benefits Of Guest Posting For Brands

Most agencies and brands are aware of the basic benefits that guest posting brings. However, for the purpose of people who are not aware, I will list them-

  • Quality guest posting service helps drive industry-related users to your website. This helps your website get more traffic.
  • The best guest posting strategies help in convincing and converting visitors into buyers and consumers.
  • There is a marked increase in your SEO scores and website metrics. This improvement, along with traffic helps climb the search rankings.
  • Guest Posting helps establish credibility and trust in the industry. It also helps in being accepted in the digital community of the industry of which you are a part.
  • If you are availing of the right kind of guest posting, it can help cut down your digital marketing budgets significantly.

In addition, quality guest posting can help you win Google’s trust and faith. This is essential if you want to establish yourself as an industry authority voice in the near future. I have also seen that Google starts promoting good websites organically after a period.

As I already mentioned, most brands and agencies are already familiar with the first four points. However, some of them might be unfamiliar with the fifth and last point.

A Case Study Of A Successful Guest Posting Service Strategy

  • Organic pages – 7967 to 9935 (124.70% ⬆️)
  • Crawled pages – 29,645 to 43,844 (147%⬆️)
  • Referring domains – 1038 to 1324 (127%⬆️)
  • Traffic – 17907 to 23946 (133%⬆️)
  • Traffic value – 11828 to 17605 (148%⬆️)
  • They loved the innovative article idea. 
  • The personalized email was appreciated as a sign of professionalism. 
  • A 3000+ SEO-optimized and image-rich article was the reason for their happiness. 
  • We received two do-follow links- one in-content link. 

17 Ways Guest Posting Service Can Help Grow Your Online Business: The List

1. Reach Out To Your Target Audience

Reach Out To Your Target Audience

Website traffic is the biggest marker of success for any brand.

A successful guest posting strategy helps you reach out to the right kind of audience. This is your target audience in every sense of the word.

Please note that in order to be successful, guest posting is done with industry-relevant websites and publishers.

This helps in targeting traffic that is already interested in the domain.

Relevant traffic helps in more engagement, better returns, and ultimately more sales and leads.

For example, if you are a kitchen equipment manufacturing company, you should reach out to food bloggers, cooking websites, and product review platforms.

This will help you reach out to people already interested in food and cooking.

2. Generate Quality Leads And Optimises Sales Conversions

Generate Quality Leads And Optimises Sales Conversions

If your SEO services agency is executing the right guest posting strategy, you can expect hot leads and queries.

The key is using the quality of your content to convince people.

You have the right audience, the aim is to present your product and services and win them over.

In my experience, I have seen B2B brands be very successful in generating leads and queries from guest posting.

Another industry, which uses guest posting for leads is professional service provider individuals. These include doctors, lawyers, insurance agents, and the like.

This does not mean that B2C cannot be successful. On the contrary, guest posting can generate more qualified leads and conversions than even social media!

3. Build Your Online Brand Credibility And Goodwill

Build Your Online Brand Credibility And Goodwill

A guest posting service strategy that focuses on the best publishers and industry authority sites is a recommendation.

In other words, if the best in the business is showcasing your content, it means they have faith in you.

This translates to their audiences having faith in you and showing you their goodwill.

Over a period, this will help establish the credibility and goodwill of your brand over an industry. Consumers will know about you, and publishers will want to work with you.

The better your brand recall, awareness, and credibility, the better will be your sales and revenues.

This is one key advantage of the guest posting service. Not only does it help in building a brand, but it also takes care of the marketing and sales part.

4. Educate, Inform And Win Audiences Through Great Content

Educate, Inform And Win Audiences Through Great Content

Think about it- how many brands sell products, and how many brands provide useful information?

In 5 seconds, you will be able to name 100 brands that fall in the first category and 3 or 4 that fall in the latter.

The aim of guest posting is to convince and convert. You need to wow the audiences with such great content that the product sells automatically as an afterthought.

This might be a digital marketing strategy, but it is the oldest and longest-running marketing and sales principle in the world.

Educating your viewers and speaking directly to them about their problems will help your brand immensely. 90% of users on the internet are looking for information. The rest are looking for products and services.

Build Quality Backlinks With Guest Posting Services

In some other article on Guest Posting, you might find this point to be number one.

This is because a majority of brands and agencies see guest posting as a tool for link-building.

They are not wrong. Quality guest posting helps build great backlinks for your website. However, prioritizing building backlinks over the other 4 points is like putting the cart before the horse!

According to Google, backlinks are one of the top 3 ranking factors.

However, for Google quality backlinks mean that industry authority sites are giving your website a valid recommendation.

Why? Simply because they love your content and feel that audiences would benefit from your link. Building quality backlinks can be done in both the right fashion, as well as the wrong fashion.

Google always recommends adhering to its quality guidelines when it comes to building backlinks.

6. Become A Content Marketing Expert

Become A Content Marketing Expert

Content Marketing is taking the digital marketing world by storm. By using quality content and opening doors, agencies are honing their content marketing skills.

However, the biggest reason why brands and agencies are moving towards Content Marketing is that Google loves it.

Trying to implement a guest posting strategy will make you an expert content marketer.

This will force you to create amazing SEO-friendly content. You will also improve upon your outreach skills, as you will have to mail several industry authority sites.

The research and development function of your content team will also be put to the test. You will have to think of fresh ideas, innovative topics, and enriching images.

Content marketing being a strong Inbound Marketing strategy is the future of Digital Marketing.

7. Get Feedback From The Industry And Improve The Brand

Get Feedback From The Industry And Improve The Brand

Some of the biggest brands in the world use Guest Posting services to generate feedback for their brand.

This can either be, for something that they are planning to create, or for feedback on a new product that they have released.

As quality guest posting helps reach the right audiences, you can rest assured of getting feedback. The aim should always be to ask more and more people to comment on your content.

This feedback can be constructively used to better your product/service and build goodwill.

There is nothing better than a brand, which listens to its consumers and takes corrective actions. This helps in building online communities and forums.

Guest posting is one of the most potent social listening tools on the digital marketing horizon.

8. Social Media Benefits Of Guest Posting

Social Media Benefits Of Guest Posting

Love it or hate it, no brand or agency can ignore the power of social media. Guest posting acknowledges and lives by this fact.

The aim should always be to reach out to industry authority sites that have a strong social media presence.

By sharing your content on their social platforms, the site will help you gain visibility.

This, in turn, will help you get page visits, likes, and shares on your social pages. It is critical that your guest posting strategy integrates a social media angle.

If you are able to get the readers to your social media pages as followers, you will shorten the communication cycle.

You will also be able to communicate directly with them. This is always more advantageous than finding and looking for them on third-party platforms.

9. Establish Meaningful Relationships With Industry Authority Bloggers

 Establish Meaningful Relationships With Industry Authority Bloggers

A brand needs to get accreditation from reviewers, influencers, and industry-authorised publishers. Once you start guest posting, you will start establishing contact with these entities.

The aim is to win them over with the quality and usefulness of your content.

Every industry has 20-30 authority publishers that drive millions of traffic and revenues. If you are professional, committed, and disciplined, you will gain entry into their good books.

Being accepted in your industry’s digital community is probably the best your brand can do for itself.

Please, note that this is different from the users’ of fans’ community. Meaningful relationships will help you get access to add-ons from the publisher.

We are talking about attractive services like getting access to their email marketing lists, databases, newsletters, and social media sharing.

10. Builds Brand Awareness And Authority

Builds Brand Awareness And Authority

If you are executing a guest posting service strategy over a couple of years, you will need to double down for the next stage. In this stage, establishing your brand and its authority is going to take centre stage.

This means reaching out to newer audiences and more related industries. Let us take help from the last example of a kitchen equipment manufacturing company.

Once you have made your mark in the cooking, food, and recipe publisher industry, you need to add on some other industries. You might want to explore the Health and Wellness sectors.

By highlighting how your products do not mix harmful residue manufacturing elements in the food like your competitors do, you can reach out to newer audiences.

This will also give your content a wide variety, in terms of offering solutions to diverse problems and issues.

11. One-Stop Solution To All Your Guest Posting Needs

One-Stop Solution To All Your Guest Posting Needs

Lightening Your Load One of the most significant advantages of guest posting services. Basically, they take the burden off your shoulders.

These experts handle outreach, content creation, negotiations, and follow-up. This allows you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Attract Relevant And Contextual Niche backlinks

Top service providers are building links that are apt for you. The beauty of working with them is their robust database.

If you have chosen the right service provider, your content will be seen on high-quality sites. That too from relevant ones.

Best part? Search engines like Google still prioritize backlinks. However, the game has changed. It’s no longer about quantity; it’s about relevance.

Relevant backlinks that connect websites with similar content. It holds more weight in today’s SEO landscape.

Ensure that your guest posts are contextually related to the host site. Thus, it makes the making the link more valuable in the eyes of search engines.

13. Getting Feedback From The Right People

Getting Feedback From The Right People

Gaining Constructive Community Feedback Successful digital marketing hinges on adaptability and constant improvement.

Working with experts aids your content to get more exposure. Hence, it opens the door to valuable insights from the wider online community.

Comments on well-crafted blog posts can offer fresh perspectives and ideas.

These contributions from readers may help you draw inspiration. You are more likely to drive traffic and engagement on your website.

14. Maximizing Social Media Exposure

Maximizing Social Media Exposure

Guest posting doesn’t end with the blog itself. Many agencies share guest content with their social media followers. It helps expand your reach beyond your own audience.

In an era where social media plays a crucial role in brand visibility, a single mention can profoundly impact website traffic.

When social media influencer marketing is associated with guest posts – you are bound to get a substantial return on investment.

15. Fueling Social Media Growth

Fueling Social Media Growth

The benefits extend beyond mentions and shares. Guest posting can initiate a snowball effect, leading to the organic growth of your social media profile. Before you know it, your brand could be featured in “who to follow” lists and suggestions.

Building a substantial social media following is a vital component of modern marketing. Guest posting services prioritize this. And it can help bolster your online reputation and presence.

16. Attracting New Mailing List Subscribers

Attracting New Mailing List Subscribers

While in-text links may not always lead to landing pages, your guest post bio can include a call to action directing readers to your mailing list. This can be an effective way to grow your subscriber base.

Additionally, visitors who explore your website after clicking through from a guest post may encounter exit-intent pop-overs.

This increases the likelihood of them subscribing to your mailing list.

17. Achieving Higher ROI Compared To Other Marketing Channels

Achieving Higher ROI Compared To Other Marketing Channels

Unlike ads, guest posting services offer a higher return on investment. The results are long-lasting.

With the potential to boost…

  • Brand awareness.
  • Drive traffic.
  • Generate valuable backlinks.

… The benefits far outweigh the costs.

Bottom Line

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Tuhin Das-image

Being in the content writing landscape for 4+ years, Tuhin likes to go deep into the minds of his readers through his writing. He loves sharing content related to SEO, digital marketing, content writing, copywriting, Education, and lifestyle. Besides his inherent inclination towards creating content, he is also a sports enthusiast and travel freak.