SEO Specialist’s Handbook To Decoding The 401 Status Code
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The 401 status code, also known as “Unauthorized”, indicates that your request was denied because you lack the necessary authorization to access the specific resource.
This means the server recognized the resource you requested exists. However, it requires valid authentication credentials before granting access.
Here’s A Breakdown Of The 401 Codes:
- 4 indicates a client-side error, meaning the issue lies with the information you provided in your request.
- On the other hand, 01 signifies that the specific error is related to authorization.
But how is this related to SEO?
401 Staus Code And SEO – What’s The Correlation?
A 401 error itself doesn’t directly impact SEO. However, it can have indirect negative effects on your website’s search engine ranking and user experience in two ways:
(i) Impact On Search Engine Crawling
Search engine crawlers, also known as bots, use automated processes to discover and index website content.
So, If a search engine crawler encounters a 401 error on a page it tries to access, it might be unable to index that page or its content. This could lead to the page being missing from search engine results pages (SERPs). Hence, your website might not be indexed.
(ii) Impact On User Experience
If a user encounters a 401 error while trying to access a page on your website, it can lead to a frustrating experience.
This can cause them to leave your website and go elsewhere. It could increase your bounce rate.
Also, negatively impact user engagement metrics (search engines consider their ranking algorithms).
So, How Do You Fix 401 Status Code Errors?
Unpopular Quote: Fortune favours the prepared.
So, SEOs must possess the knowledge to deal with any sort of errors that come with the 401 status code.
(i) Ensuring Page Accessibility
The golden rule in the battle against a 401 status is to ensure that essential pages are publicly accessible. You can achieve this through diligent review and maintenance.
So, don’t forget to add this to your priority task list.
(ii) Swift Identification Of Potentially Restricted Pages
Regularly audit your site to identify pages that contain a 401 status. This is especially pertinent during site migrations or updates that might inadvertently change access permissions.
(iii) The Balancing Act With Password-Protected Content
If utilizing protected content is non-negotiable, ensure it is balanced with abundant public, accessible information. Being clear about what content is private can help users manage their login information more easily.
Instructing The Visitor: Clear Paths To Access
Communication is paramount, even in the digital age.
(i) Crafting Intuitive Error Messages
The 401 status need not impose an inscrutable silence. Craft user-friendly error messages that guide visitors to take the appropriate steps to access the content they seek.
(ii) Seamless Credential Acquisition Flows
Design intuitive pathways for users to attain the necessary credentials. Simplify registration and password reset processes to circumvent any potential deterrent to accessing content.
(iii) Understanding Robots.txt And Beyond
Search engine crawlers cannot access directories with sensitive content when robots.txt is used to block them.
It’s important to balance revealing enough information to entice users while keeping certain content private.
Evolution Of Authentication Practices
Innovation often paves the path to progress with alternatives to conventional username-password authentication methods. A new era of access control emerges. Providing tailored solutions for varying circumstances.
(i) Exploring API Keys And Tokenization
The first step in harnessing the benefits of token-based authorization is to understand the nuances of the methods and their applicability in today’s world of data breaches.
(ii) Seeking Professional Consultation
The challenge of 401 errors may require the deft touch of an experienced developer. SEO professionals should not be afraid to seek expert advice to solve complex issues. So, if you are a blogger, hire a freelancer for the same. On the flip side, businesses should contact their tech team to solve this issue.
Bottom Line
Have you ever encountered a “401 Unauthorized” error message while browsing a website? It can be confusing and raise many questions for the curious visitor.
We have already shared the reasons and the best practices to fix them. Now, it’s time to work on them.
In the meantime, if you need SEO help to get your business to reach new heights, visit BloggerOutreach.
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