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Social media marketing is now becoming a massive source of traffic for most companies, especially those that are targeting the young audience. Almost all successful companies engage on social media platforms; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and other platforms. But snapchat is one of the platforms that are not generally viewed from the marketing perspective. Snapchat is a social media app that allows the users to send limited –viewing time, picture messages and self-destructing videos. This platform seems not to be ideal for marketing, but when you look at the statistics, it can be amazing. With snapchat marketing, the picture messages will always disappear soon after you view, but there will always be some new information and marketing possibilities.
The fascinating thing about the use of snapchat marketing is the closeness of the experience. There are usually some workarounds to save the images; there is typically a time limit on how long the images can stay on the app. When you are marketing on snapchat, then you can always add a sense of urgency.
You can try out snap chatting with some limited-time discount codes. You need to remember that the pictures will always only stay for about ten minutes; therefore, the systems should be short and easy to remember.
This kind of strategy gives you a short deadline for using codes, and it could last for hours or a day at most. Thus it is ideal to ensure that the users are aware of when you make a post, you inform your audience. They will open the messages to avoid missing the goodies.
So when you engage in snapchat marketing, ensure to keep the content surprising, quirky, and funny to draw the attention of the audience. But with snapchat itself, it can help make things more accessible to the extent of allowing you to include captions and even drawing pictures in different colours.
Another way in which you can use snapchat marketing is the use of giveaways. When you think of launching a snapchat, the first thing you will always want is to get people you are going to add on the app. Thus one way to do this is by giving tickets to an event away.
You can choose to advertise the giveaways on your sites and the other social media platforms. Through this, you can ask anyone wanting to enter the giveaway to add your business on snapchat and send you their username on snapchat.
Then you can ask them to get five of their friends to add to your business. Snapchat the images with the same hashtag and the username of the friend they help enter.
By doing this, then you will be able to gain new connections on snapchat. And more to it make your hashtag more familiar to those people who are not aware of it. When you think of joining snapchat marketing, this is a platform that you should be on –yet.
It helps your offers not get buried under a flood of the other similar offers, thus reaping the rewards.
Keep in mind always that the primary demographic on snapchat is usually the teenagers and the twenty-somethings. So ensure your advertisement is basing on this kind of age group.
Benefits of snapchat marketing:
According to statistics, snapchat helps in the engagement and growth of your business. However, there are some other substantial benefits one can get from snapchat marketing. This includes;
You can reach a new audience:
You might have products that could be capturing the younger demographic, but when you try advertising on the other social media platforms, they are not connecting. But when you try snapchat marketing, it could be your golden ticket.
A good example is CNN, which got their connections more on snapchat compared to the other sites. An audience that had troubled them to connect with in the past.
It feels authentic:
When you hear of social media, then this is sites where we can create a more exceptional rapport with the others. In some cases, it is where we can give behind the scenes looks to our users. With snapchat, then this facet is amplified in social media marketing.
Snapchat marketing is more about what is happening right away. Photos are now being edited with more filters, thus making them more appealing compared to those high-quality images you could create. Usually, the effects that are incorporated are there for fun and enhancement.
Less competition:
It is evident that each brand that exists has a social media presence be it on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and even more increasingly on Pinterest. Connecting with users on social media platforms could be that challenging. Especially when it comes to standing out the competition on these platforms, this could be hectic. But with snapchat marketing, there is still less competition here as not most of the brands are here.
It is free:
When you are marketing on snapchat, it is free. You do not have to pay for the ad campaigns. This is not the most crucial aspect of snapchat marketing, but the fact is that it is free. This is not the case with some of the other marketing platforms.
It is different:
You cannot compare snapchat with other forms of marketing. With snapchat, you can be sure of meeting a new audience within the shortest time possible while sharing your original content. Although this can be challenging at one point, it can offer a significant advantage as well.
With snapchat marketing, it has a similar aesthetic to the Instagram stories. The same content can always be shared on both of the platforms.
An advanced guide to snapchat marketing:
When it comes to snapchat marketing there are some things you will always need to consider for you to be more successful;
1. Set the goals:
Setting clear goals will still help you know whether your investment is worth the resources you are using. For you to be a good social media marketer, you should ensure that your goals are set right.
Have the main objectives you need to achieve in the end. Just ensure you are setting S.M.A.R.T goals; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.
2. Build your audience:
With snapchat, you do not expect to get the suggested user list just like Instagram. Thus this makes it much hard to find your audience. Therefore, making your snapchat account discoverable is very important.
You can choose using the snapchat icons that are linking to your snapchat account or user name. You should ensure that your snapchat icon is on your website sidebar, header, and footer. Let it be present on your cover page.
Also, you can choose to display your snapchat icon below your email signature. Most people, once they receive an email, they will always want to know who wrote it and thus will scroll down; thus, this makes it the perfect place for display.
3. Conduct a competitive analysis:
When you indulge in snapchat marketing, it is essential to know what your competitors are doing to become successful. You need to conduct a study by analyzing the various activities the other brands in your space are doing.
The critical thing is to try and identify your competition. Analyze the kind of audience you are having. Try and figure out who else is the audience following, and do these brands they support resemble yours. You can then come up with a list of the strongest competitors and a benchmark to see what they are doing differently.
You can also choose to carry out SWOT analysis. Try analyzing what your competitors are doing well on snapchat. Have a look at their posts are they intelligent, exciting and timely?
Find out what you can borrow from them. Also, try to find out what they are falling short. From that, you can learn the things you can avoid.
Find out the opportunities you can take advantage of from the weaknesses and strengths of your competitors. Try adding to your snapchat what your competitors lack. All in all, you should be ready for any threats that might arise during your snapchat marketing.
4. Create content that is great and captivating:
Creating content, especially great content, can be that challenging. When you are marketing on snapchat, you must capture the attention of people. Make your stories intrigue, attract attention, and even compelling.
Read more: Content Optimization: The Ultimate Guide for 2019
When you want to write snapchat stories ensure they are typical but yet surprising. Ensure your accounts have resolutions, falling action, climax, and rising action. Also ensure that they deliver educational, suspense and humour. Ensure that when the viewers walk into your snapchat app, they get delighted and motivated to always click on your account.
Therefore for successful snapchat marketing, we can create behind the effect of the scene. You can choose to provide your followers with content that others will never see. To ensure that your audiences are getting involved, you can select asking questions, conducting interviews and also creating polls.
Whatever content you choose to create, ensure to keep it authentic and light. What most of the snapchat users do appreciate is always authenticity, and this is the reason many business owners are using the platform.
5. Try the snapchat ads:
Sometimes your audience may not be growing as much as you may want. Therefore when this happens, then it is essential to use snapchat ads to acquire more followers faster.
Here are some of the snapchat ads you can always choose from;
Sponsored lenses– this type of ad will enable its users to modify their images with the branded filter and logos. When users use this type of ads, and share, the brand gets more exposure as it is much fun.
Snap Ads-usually this usually is a full-screen, and vertical video that will always last 10 seconds or less. It can mainly be used in funneling people to your website, watching a brand video as well as installing an app.
Geofilters – there is the sponsored geofilters and the on-demand geofilters. With the sponsored geofilters, you can be sure that your posts will be viewed every day, and thus the exposure is just incredible. The on-demand geofilters are usually the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to get started with snapchat advertising. The good thing is that it can be used in the ultra-tight areas.
6. Measure results:
When doing snapchat marketing, it is vital to use snapchat analytics to measure your results. With the analytics, you can know your target audience, discover the critical engagement times and even learn of the contents that are performing best. When you are conversant with this information, then it will be easier for you to gain a competitive advantage in the market.
7. Identify your audience via Snapchat Insights:
When you engage in marketing, you need to know that the audience is everything. But you should also remember that your audience is not everyone. Your audience is that group of people who are sharing the same want as you or a unique blend of characteristics.
Therefore before you start your snapchat marketing learn more about your audience. The better you understand them, the better you create good copies of art that could compel action, create desires, incite interest and even capture attention.
At times you may know the right audience. And when this happens then the better. But in the case, you are still working hard to discover your target audience then consider using snapchat insights. This is a platform in the analytics tool that will help you capture the attention of more clients.
Snapchat marketing is one of the most incoming trends in the marketing world. Most of the businesses are turning to this kind of business as they are less competition when it comes to this platform. All you need to do is identify your target audience. Also, ensure that the content that you are posting is captivating as the people you are dealing with are the youngsters who need fun and exciting things. For further assistance with Snapchat marketing, feel free to contact me.
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